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The artistic sundials

Museums and castles


The slow movement of the shadows silently marks the passing of time in Monclassico and Presson. Here, science and art have teamed up in an ambitious unusual idea, one firmly rooted in millenary tradition however: decorating the town buildings and squares with modern artistic sundials. The «Le Meridiane» cultural association, which was set up with the intent of discovering and promoting local culture, devised the project and since 2002 has coordinated its various stages and related initiatives, with support from the Monclassico local council and the convinced backing of the locals.

Since then, every summer five artists have been invited to follow their inspiration in creating a sundial in collaboration with expert gnomonists, the guardians of the ancient science of construction sun clocks. And so a very fine heritage has slowly taken place counting fifty sundials nowadays. The sundials in Monclassic, all very different in shape, technology and materials, each express the artistic personality of their creator and all together they form a real open-air museum. A heritage that has made this mountain village unique on an international level and a big attraction.

The itinerary has now evolved, allowing visitors to admire the sundials on their own thanks to the many info panels. Underneath each piece there is a board giving technical characteristics and artistic information. In the most picturesque points in the village are the info points with boards and panels explaining how to read a sundial, the history of these sun clocks and other interesting facts, and finally the very rare darkroom sundial hosting a small interactive multimedia centre that reveals all the secrets of these ancient instruments.

Opening period

The itinerary through the sundials is open year round.

Paid guided tours (Wow Experience - A thin line of shadow): every Wednesday afternoon from June 27th 2024 from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Prebook required the day before by 6pm online or at the information offices in Dimaro and Folgarida.


Dimaro Folgarida - Monclassico e Presson

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