
Pejo Thermal Spa


Health and well-being at the Stelvio National Park.

Nature as a source of wellbeing

The Pejo Thermal Spa is a perfect example of the synergy between nature and wellness. Immersed in the natural scenery of the Stelvio National Park, the curative properties of the thermal waters of Pejo have been known for centuries. Perfect for treating joint pain and problems concerning lymphatic and venous circulation, the respiratory tract, the urinary tract and the gastrointestinal system. 

Here you can enjoy the benefits of three mineral springs: The Antica Fonte, Nuova Fonte and Fonte Alpina. These springs are used to treat various conditions such as arthro-rheumatic, vascular, ENT, gastroenteric and urinary tract diseases. Treat yourself to a unique experience of mud baths, thermal baths, inhalation treatments and a real sense of wellbeing in the wellness area for a tranquil sensory experience: a truly relaxing holiday. 

At this completely renovated spa centre, you can take carbonated baths with the water from the Antica Fonte spring, which is rich in minerals and gases capable of providing real relief for joint diseases, and the mineral water from the Nuova Fonte, which is effective in stimulating blood flow in the lower limbs for the treatment of vascular illnesses. Rich in bicarbonates, the thermal springs are also used in inhalation treatments to combat and prevent inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tracts.

The Monclassico bio-lake

The only open-air bathing spot in Val di Sole, at one with the ecosystem.

The Stelvio National Park

Discover more about the Pejo and Rabbi valleys: the Stelvio National Park in Trentino.


Area Wellness Terme di Pejo | © Archivio Terme di Pejo - Ph Tommaso Prugnola
Peio - Peio Fonti

Pejo thermal spa

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