
The Meledrio stream and its valley

 The treasure chest of our roots


Val Meledrio is the natural link between Dimaro and Folgarida: a continuous intersecting of water, green landscapes and culture.

In Val Meledrio, the wild is family friendly

Val Meledrio is the valley that connects Dimaro and Folgarida and contains treasures of great historical, cultural and natural value. The Meledrio stream, today as in past centuries, drives the Venetian sawmill and the ancient mallet with its energy, reviving the ancient trades of the past.

Along its course, the river takes on different forms and becomes a waterfall, creating a little-known gem: the Pison Waterfall, nestled in the centre of the valley.

In 2018, the Val Meledrio Eco-museum “The Way of the Emperors” was established. It is open to visitors all year round and offers guided activities, which are mostly held during the summer and winter periods.

The eco-museum

Discover the Val Meledrio eco-museum

Ecomuseo Val Meledrio | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola
Dimaro Folgarida - Dimaro

The Val Meledrio Ecomuseum

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